Let’s Get It!

I feel like I should start this all with a “how I got here” post. But, really, I’m so not interesting. You have been forewarned.

I came to books later in life. My sister, Sunny, is a prolific and passionate reader. She always has been. Me? I just kinda lived in my head…daydreams, plans, stories of love, success, revenge (eek)… and I watched a LOT of television. A LOT.

But I started reading as an adult when I got my first apartment on my own. I happened upon books of other single women, like me, living the dream…Chick Lit was my jam. And that segued into Romance, took a slight detour down a Fifty Shades to Twilight to what-am-I-doing-here path, and hopped back onto safer roads in Romancelandia. Reading Romance is my joy. Writing it has become my passion.

I had no idea what I was doing, but I wrote my first (terrible) manuscript back in 2017, entered it into the Author Mentor Match program and got selected. Unfortunately, revisions were stalled and I eventually, and rightfully, gave up on that story…teen superheroes receiving powers through racism…I kid you not. *smh*.

I still had no idea what I was doing, but I wrote my second (not-as-terrible) manuscript back in 2018, entered it into PitchWars and got selected. The PitchWars experience was transformative. I faced my revisions-phobia (thanks to my remarkable mentor, Gloria Chao), signed with my (first) agent, went out for the first time on (failed) submission, and met some of my closest writing friends. My PitchWars manuscript, still to this day, brings me joy. But it wasn’t meant to be…neurotic Korean-American girls falling in love with bisexual Chinese-American drag queens…wut. *smh*.

I wasn’t as lost as the first couple times, but still figuring my way around this writing thing and the journey to publication. So in 2019, I wrote my third (getting better) manuscript. I signed with my (second) (dream) (honestly, even though everyone tells you that “dream agent” shouldn’t be a thing, I mean it when I say DREAM) agent, and, hoping this story will find a home. Because I do believe everyone needs some laughs these days and what’s more heartwarming and hilarious than a childhood best friends to enemies to lovers story based in the combined world of K-dramas and San Diego. 🙂 Trust me!

And now (thanks to the incredibly talented Icey Designs) I have a website.

Because it’s time, I guess.

So……let’s get it!

Jungkook Saying “Let's get it!” Compilation - YouTube


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